Preschool Speechie PLUS

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October 2021 FREEBIE & NEW IDEAS

Hi All - It is officially Fall! I have a new FREEBIE and new products hot off the press. Please check out all my Fall and Halloween products in the Seasonal Section!! My Ultimate Early Language Kit for building language utilizing the Bloom & Lahey model of Form, Content and Use is almost complete. It’s been a labor of love!

You can now click on any of the images below to check out Previews for these products.

This past week I was invited to participate in an INSTAGRAM PROMPT BTS Collaborative with some very creative & knowledge PROMPT trained and certified SLP’s. It’s been an amazing experience! Highlights are listed on my Instagam page. You can check it out here:

I just added a PROMPT section on my website. If you are questioning whether or not to take the plunge , please check out the 3 videos (2 are by Rozanne from funtotalk and 1 is from the Prompt Institute.) PROMPT has been a game changer in my speech sessions!

Having been in the field forever, I continue to be an eclectic SLP! I incorporate a variety of strategies, along with PROMPT.

New TPT products linked below just in time for Fall & Halloween! Some older products too! Just click on the image to see Previews!


Click on the image above to go to the PROMPT Institute website. Below are some highlights from BTS PROMPT Week. Please check Instagram link above to check out a variety of PROMPT posts and stories!

Yes, I do love toys and books! I can tie in many of my PROMPT goals using toys and books with a variety of goals and levels. I embrace the challenge with students who exhibit apraxia/dysarthria and utilizing their device during a session. The BTS Collaborate group is frequently sharing awesome materials. Check them out! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TOY, BOOK OR ACTIVITY? I have also found using PROMPT invaluable with students who use a voice activated device or light tech.

But there is so much more to PROMPT.
There are 9 core elements that are essential in PROMPT:
1. Use of tactile-kinesthetic information
2. Determining communication focus
3. Developing goals related to motor, language, cognitive and social function
4. Analyzing the SAO (System Analysis Observation) and MSH (Motor Speech Hierarchy- 7 Stages)
5. Determining what PROMPT support should be used
6. Making choices about the activity/toy/material
7. Ensuring many repetitions of motor/sound practice
8. Incorporating reciprocal turn-taking and choice making
9. Presentation of similar activities to provide structure

PROMPT Method creates a balance across the Social-Emotional, Cognitive-Linguistic and Physical-Sensory Domains - understanding the whole child. PROMPT encompasses trust, making connections, having fun, engaging in verbal/non-verbal turn-taking and more!

Are you PROMPT trained or certified? What do you like best about PROMPT?

I hope you enjoyed this BLOG! If there is a specific topic you would like me to share please let me know! Thanks so much for your support!
