Spring FREEBIES 2022
Hi All! Here are 4 FREEBIES for you! Feed the Caterpillar and Shark have been a big hit! I have used the caterpillar mainly for sequencing, understanding exclusion of NOT, playing a guessing game with pretend chrysalis’. We have also been playing the Hungry Caterpillar Game by Briarpatch. I don’t think I will have enough time to do all the activities I included in Caterpillar Categories! Feed the Shark has been awesome for my student working on SH. I am so excited he is finally rounding his lips, and getting his tongue positioned properly. I give mom activities to do at home - I am grateful for her carryover!
Click on images below for your FREEBIES!!
Seasonal Game Ideas
Principles of Motor Learning in the Treatment of Motor Speech Disorders by E. Maas 2008, has been a huge topic of interest these days. Get to know these 2 terms: 1. Knowledge of Performance - structure, practice & movement of targets & practice conditions - basically helping the student understand what their jaw, lips & tongue are doing to produce a motor sequence through a multi-sensory approach 2. Knowledge of Results - giving student specific feedback (NOT GOOD JOB) about motor movements to achieve retention (generalization) of the target.
Michelle states, “Vowel production is very important for speech intelligibility. Think of the consonant as the car. The vowel is the driver of the car. The car does not drive itself and remains in place unless the passenger gets in, decides where they want to go and moves the car. The vowel guides the word shape. The vowel drives the plane of movement.
Ricki’s comment- I am a huge advocate of targeting consonant-vowel combinations and determining which vowel patterns are best to work on - mainly vertical (open mouth-jaw) or horizontal (rounding or retraction)