February FREEBIES 2025
Plus DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Handout
Hi All! It is CHILLLLLY IN NY and lots of snow! It was 10 degrees this morning! Here are my February FREEBIES this month! There are 2 Color the Code - you can add any pics or words you want. There is 1 Cariboo Daily Living Actions set, February Game Ideas, FREE Rhyme - Peek a Boo I Love You (1 DAY ONLY-WED JAN 22. ) January Color Pages have Valentine ideas too! In addition I created a handout for DSM-5 Autism Spectrum 3 Levels. It’s in the FREE section. It has already come in handy with one of my families.
There are many Special DATES this month. I just picked a few favorites:
Whole Month Observances: Black History Month, American Heart Month, Children’s Dental Month, Great American Pie Month,
Special Days: Feb 2 Ground Hog Day Chinese New Year - Jan 28 - Feb 4 Feb 5 - National Signing Day Feb 9 - National Pizza Day Feb 14 - Valentine’s Day Feb 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day Feb 20 - National Love your Pet Day Feb 28 - National Pancake Day
February Calendar has links to soooo many other fun dates! Click on February Calendar for link.
I just listened to the book OUT OF MY MIND By Sharon M. Draper. It’s a heartfelt story about Melody Brooks, a nonspeaking & extremely bright 11 year old with cerebral palsy who is in a wheelchair and can only move 1 thumb. It takes place in 2002. I thought it was a true story but it’s not, although the author does have a daughter with CP. She felt strongly that everyone child who is challenged to speak deserves to have a voice. In the story, she does not receive a voice activated device (Medi-Talker) until she is in 5th grade! This story brought tears to my eyes! It’s a story worth reading! I just wish the author could have thrown in something about her related services of Speech, OT, & PT! It’s a bit unrealistic how she learned to navigate the device. I am fortunate to be part of my library system so I can download many books for free! Our Library is on the LIbby Program. You need to check it out! I welcome your thoughts about this book.
Speech Moments with FROGGY GETS DRESSED
All FREE RESOURCES are on my website in the PS+ Store or on TPT. I hope you find them useful! If there are other resources or checklists you are looking for, I am happy to add more to my website!. Check out TPT and MY RESOURCES for practically any checklist you may need. If you would like a PDF with links please email me at ricki@preschoolspeechieplus.com . (FYI adding more than 1 item to your cart can be a little tricky - when you add first free item, after you click on purchase, arrow back to add another item…it will say “adding”. You can keep adding product this way. When you click on continue, it will take you to checkout.)
One other important bit of info about Updated Products - I am often updating my products and so are many other companies! To find these updates….1. Go to My purchases (upper right hand corner) 2. Click on Recently purchased and scroll down to RECENTLY UPDATED. Under View Receipt it will show you date when you last opened the file and date when it was last updated. I recently updated Chicka ABC and 3 Little Kittens Boom Cards!
Make Your Own Snow Video! Only 2 ingredients!…Baking Soda & Conditioner!
Click on images above for links and FREEBIES!!